Miyerkules, Marso 29, 2017

6 Pro-Cleaning Tips For Your Home

One common time-consuming chore that everyone does is cleaning the house. It will take you several hours to complete. If you have a busy schedule, an available option for you is to call a cleaning professional to do the task on your behalf. This means that if you want to save time and have the budget, hire cleaning services in Singapore. But if you have the time and want to save some money, this article offers some tips on how you can clean your space the way the professional cleaners do.

  • Quickly Dust

Using cloths to remove dust is helpful, but you can make the work a lot easier when you use a feather duster. They are really efficient, particularly for hard to reach areas, pictures and blinds. Pick-up a vacuum or cloth for heavy dust, or for a more effective and quick approach, get the light film off the surfaces.

  • Vacuum in Half the Time

Another advice from home cleaning services Singapore is the use of the central outlet in your home to quickly cover the most amount of carpeting. You can save a lot of time on re-plugging the vacuum by plugging it into the central outlet since your work will not be interrupted. But in case your tool has a short cord, look for an extension cord.

  • Remove Smells From the Disposal

If you hate bad smelling disposal, you can quickly clean it by dropping a lemon or orange peels, whichever is available, down the drain. For 15-second, run the disposal with a half-pressure water followed by some ice cubes, then turn it the disposal on again. Turn if off and then put the stopper over it and fill up your sink until it is half-full. Lastly, pull out the stopper and allow the water to flush and smell that fresh scent.

  • Get Shiny Stainless Steel

House cleaning services Singapore often encounter stainless steel related task. This material is stain-resistant, efficient and pleasing to the eyes, but it can also quickly show one's fingerprints and smudges. To clean and maintain it, you can pour mineral oil on a cloth and wipe it on the sink, countertop, and other kinds of surfaces.

Mineral oil is highly recommended because it increases resistance which prevents sticky materials from attaching to the steel and repels water.

  • Streak-proof Your Windows

The use of window cleaner and a paper towel will not always make it. If you have small windows, you can use newspaper to avoid streaks and clean glasses. But if what you have are the large ones, the best option is to use a squeegee. It will allow you to reach the edges where dust can build up and help you use less time.

  • Remove Soap Scum Efficiently

Another thing that is so hard to get rid of is the soap scum, the best option is to scrape it off using a plastic putty knife. You can change from what you are using to gel or synthetic liquid soaps to prevent soap scum build up in the future.